Thursday 13 March 2008

Call to Fund Raising

Dear All

I feel that the time has come to start some serious fund raising. Having secured a First prize we need to start the ball rolling for smaller prizes.

I was thinking of 2 other large prizes and 7 other smaller ones making a total of 10 prizes.

Tomorrow I shall write a generic letter asking companies to donate gifts which we will then raffle off and nominate the people to deal with the designated areas or indeed people could volunteer. Once you have your area it will be up to you to either write or visit the companies which you think would help. I know this will take precious time and that is why I think we should split the work. I also think we should start deciding what prizes we want as I will ensure that the funds are made available to buy anything which we need but haven't been gifted.

So please let me know soonest if you would like to cover an area.

We also need to think of a name for this venture and a caption which captures the essense of the aim (ideas please).

Tomorrow I hope to talk to the Captain of HMS Sultan so I will be able to report what support we can expect from there.

Di has had an idea for a stall at the Sultan Summer show of guessing the value of the coins in our bottle. I think it is a good one and will discuss this with Sultan.

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